If you feel like you need better sleep, hypnosis brings a solution

For many people, having a busy and often stressful life can sometimes lead to poor quality sleep. And in recent times, where COVID-related anxiety is increasing, sleep is eluding more people than ever before.

Bad sleep creates a decrease in mental functioning, a lack of awareness and attention to the world around you, it can produce a distorted sense of time, and immense fatigue.

Hypnosis can help you to get better quality sleep. We work together as a team; hypnotist and client, to find the most effective route to helping you enjoy the sleep you deserve.

Today you could take the first step to better sleep.

Your step-by-step guide to a lasting solution

We help you to slow your thoughts to allow sleep to find you

Show you how to relax at a molecular level

Be more confident that sleep will find you

Help to develop good sleep patterns

Understand the importance of routine

Getting your bedroom setup for sleep

Give you techniques to enter sleep more easily

Encourage your body to find and keep good sleep

Increase your energy levels during the day


My name is Jab MacCardy and I have been a practicing Clinical Hypnotherapist in Singapore since 2014.

To find out more about how hypnosis can be the solution to your sleep problem, book a free appointment.

One of the problems in achieving good quality sleep, is that no one really knows how to do it. It’s not like learning to ride a bike or playing a musical instrument, so the more you do it the better you get, with sleep we simply go to bed, close our eyes and hope that something happens.

This is where hypnosis comes in.

At your free consultation you can ask all the questions you want about how hypnotherapy can help you to get great quality sleep, and it gives us the opportunity to find out more about your sleep issues and to plan a strategy that works. It is at this stage that we can work out how many sessions you will need.

Generally I see most people for 2-4 sessions and the cost is $350 per one hour session. However, there are some great discounts when you book for 4 sessions.

If you’d like some great tips for better sleep, have a look at our sleep blog.

Here is a little secret about sleep, sleep is very, very …. shy!

The more you chase after sleep, the more sleep runs in the opposite direction. The more you worry and think about your sleep, the less likely it is for you to be able to enter sleep. It’s only when you stop thinking about sleep, when you stop worrying, when you stop analysing, when you stop thinking about sleep…..only then does sleep come and find you.

That’s where hypnosis can really help. We take time to listen and find out what fuels your sleep problem and what the positive rewards will be in your life as a result of getting your sleep level back to where you want it to be.

From here, we progress, step-by-step, to encourage your sub-conscious to accept the sleep state more easily and readily, giving you the opportunity to be in charge of your life again. Everyone has the right to good quality sleep, and that includes you.

Of course, this may be all new to you, so have a look at some of the comments other people have been kind enough to write below, and remember, your first consultation is free and without obligation.

Just click on the link to have full access to our appointment diary. Your free initial consultation can be in our Novena Medical Centre clinic, or via a Telehealth video call to your home.


Of course, change takes time, and to help the process, you may opt to have a specially recorded hypnotic programme to take away and use at home.

Tailor made to your exact needs, the 20 minute audio recording comes on a high quality memory drive for you to use in your own home.

The cost of each programme is $150.

Now is the time to make the change you want, long-lasting changes to give you a happier, healthier lifestyle.